I am trying integrate Canon EDSDK with *Unity3D (5.6.1)* by referencing Canon EDSDK's Visual Studio project from **>>** https://www.codeproject.com/Articles/688276/Canon-EDSDK-Tutorial-in-Csharp **<<** , created by "Johannes Bildstein".
In his project, it will call `thread.SetApartmentState` when creating thread. And I found that my project is not functioning after I convert the visual Studio UI to Unity UI.
There are **NO** error message when testing on *Unity Editor* and Unity's log.txt file. **But** ***"Failed to set the specified COM apartment state"*** was show in *output_log.txt* after I build and run the project in .exe.
After that, I try to delete the line (`thread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA);`) or change the **STA** to **MTA** or **Unknown** but the project still not functioning after build the ".exe" . However, the project is functioning in *Editor* after I modify the code. Any idea why this happening?
>> More Detail:
In *Johannes Bildstein's* visual studio project has a class call `STAThread` for handling `mainThread` object. To create `mainThread` object, `STAThread` has a method `CreateThread` to create `mainThread` object.
public static Thread CreateThread(Action action){
var thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(action));
return thread;
public void Start() {
lock (runLock) {
if (!isRunning) {
mainThread = CreateThread(ExecutionLoop);
isRunning = true;