When you link to a MonoBehaviour that is inside of an external DLL, the resulting asset file refers to that particular class by a 'fileID' and the 'guid' of the external DLL. For example, a MonoBehaviour named 'a' inside of an external DLL would be show up in an asset's YAML file as:> m_Script: {fileID: -1880535464, guid:> 50df42a15edf64f1caa6bfd8fd2576ef,> type: 3}
Where the guid (50df42a15edf64f1caa6bfd8fd2576ef) is the GUID assigned by Unity to the external DLL file. The 'fileID', however, is constant and is based on both the class's namespace and name. However, I cannot figure out how Unity takes the namespace and class name and generates the 'fileID' field. In our project, we have moved several classes into external DLLs, which unfortunately breaks the links in all of our asset files. If we could generate that 'fileID' field, we could easily repair those broken links inside of our asset files. Could you please tell us how to generate the 'fileID' for a particular class? Thanks.